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Our Story

Tanner was born on 11-6-16 as part of a litter of 8 in the home our President, Linda. She was fostering his Mom, Matilda, during the last two weeks of her pregnancy.  When he was 4 weeks old he began to display some areas of concern in regards to walking, talk control and bowel movements. After seeing his vet and a neurologist and undergoing an MRI, he was diagnosed with Spina Bifida with severe nerve damage causing him to have no control of his tail, bladder or bowels along with weakness in his hind quarters.  It was also discovered his was missing his Ospenis bone and his bladder was subject to severe life threatening infections.  Linda and Sean immediately knew that he was meant to be part of their family and officially adopted him on 12/25/16. Tanner required constant care including regular diaper changes, medications and daily catheter cleanses to help lessen his tendency to infections. Tanner however was the happiest dog you would ever met and had a capacity to love like no other dog we have ever known. His kisses were legendary among those that knew him.  His family worked diligently to give him the best life possible knowing that his time with them would be short. Tanner LOVED the snow and would refuse to come in from play time on snow days. He loved playing with his fur-sister Jessie who is also a special needs dog. He loved his family and never met a stranger. He shared so much love with everyone that he met. Sadly, Tanner crossed the Rainbow Bridge on 1-11-18. His Mom created Tanner’s Endless Love, Inc in his honor to help share the Love he had for all in an effort to help other animals with medical and special needs and promote the need to spay and neuter your pets.

Our "Superman" Tanner:

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